Monday, September 22, 2008

Prayer and Praise List

Add your prayer and praise in comment box and
read the prayer and praise of University of Tulsa family.


Anonymous said...

Please Pray for Sue Freeman, long time fan fighting cancer.

chaplain jeff said...

Our prayers are with Sue as she battles cancer...may she feel the strength and comfort of the Lord each moment and may the strong arms of the Lord hold her secure in the days and weeks ahead.

Anonymous said...

Let us lift our hearts in prayer for all the students not only here on the TU campus, but nationwide, as mid-terms quickly approach the already thinly stretched students. May they find strength, wisdom, and confidence in our Lord. May He reassure all that He is never far, that He is always listening, and always ready to take over if we only let Him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you dear Lord for the awesome ways you are touching the lives of our young people and their families. Please watch over Wilson this week as he begins treatments.

MNorvell said...

Thank you Lord for all your blessings this season for our families and players.
Please pray that God heals my back!

scott madsen said...

Heavenly Father, we lift all those we are now facing illness. We ask that you put your sheltering wings over them, keep them well, and provide for a quick recovery.

Dannie said...

Please pray for a quick sale of my home to a qualified, motivated buyer. The original sale fell through.

Anonymous said...

During our travels this weekend, please keep everyone safe.

chaplain jeff said...

Let us pray for our students facing midterm exams this week. May the Lord strengthen and hold them during this intense academic time.

Ginna said...

Fahter, we lift this nation up to You; guide us as we vote, help us to hear Your voice. Show us who You want in leadership positions so that we can follow Your will. You are in control, Lord. Help us to give up our control so that we can glorify You.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for all the awesome ways He blesses us in little and big ways.

chaplain jeff said...

We give you thanks and praise Father for the many, many blessings...Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Please watch over us and help us to listen and do your will in all things.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for a family in Springfield, Colorado. They lost three family members in a housefire. Also pray for my father-in-law and the other firefighters who have battled the blaze all night. My father-in-law also serves as the coroner, so his duties are not over. Pray for peace and strength.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for a blessed weekend for our team, our fans and our visitor.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for Charlotte and Jim Brainbridge. Charlotte is an ovarian cancer survivor and will be having tests tomorrow for the spread of cancer. Her husband Jim has just been diagnosed with kidney disease.